During our last discussion, we defined transformation as “a discovery that takes place when one’s eyes are opened by a truth, experience or inner reflection.” This discovery was called a eureka.
Eureka through the Truth in the Bible: The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus to “make disciples” (Matthew 28: 19-20) is fulfilled when we teach others to observe everything Jesus has taught. A disciple is a follower. We follow a master by following his teaching. It is the truth in the teaching that transforms us into followers of the master. The more we discover the truth, the more we become like our master. However, this truth must correlate with the character of the master. This is the reason why, as we teach, we must point people to Christ who is the Truth and in whom we have fulness of truth (Colossians 2:9). Transformation results from a cumulation of truths from the Truth, Jesus Christ. The more we know the truth and embody it, the more we are transformed into Christ-likeness.
Eureka through a new experience in the Bible: Experience is a great lesson in life. We are transformed through new experiences. Jesus exposed his disciples to new experiences so he could teach them great lessons of life in his Kingdom. For instance, when he invited the disciples to go to the other side of the lake (Luke 8: 22-25), Jesus wanted them to learn through experience about the importance of faith in challenging time. When they went to him and said, “Master, Master, we are going to drown,” they were short of sight of the power and authority of their Master, the Creator of the Universe. Commanding the wind and water to be calm created an experience that transformed the faith of the disciples. They asked themselves, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him!” In the same way, my faith has been transformed through personal experiences of provision in ministry, testimony of deliverance of people who were under oppression, etc. No one can convince me that the God of the Old Testament is no longer active today, for I have experienced his power in my life and ministry!
Eureka through inner reflection in the Bible: So often when Jesus taught a parable to his disciples, he ended with the challenge, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear” (Luke 8:8; Mark 4:9; Mathew 13:15). Jesus was calling for self-reflection after his teaching. When we retreat into our inner selves and do an honest self-examination, the result is a discovery of who we truly are, an authentic self. This could be one of the reasons why God loved David and called him “a man after his heart.” David was a sincere, honest and authentic person when it came to relating to God. He opened his heart to God’s searching (Ps. 139: 23-24) and he had the humility to admit his short comings (Ps. 51). These two qualities are essential if we are to be transformed into Christ’s likeness. However, only the Holy Spirit can help us see what is real in our heart, for our own inner eyes cannot be a mirror through which we can see our authentic self; the Word of God through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
I invite you to a spirit of openness and humility as we read and hear the Word of God, a desire to become authentic and vulnerable through the confession of our shortcomings to the Lord and others, and an open eye to learn from experiences that the Lord brings into our life. These are great avenues of transformation.