Vision & Faith Become Reality

By |2020-09-10T11:42:09-05:00September 10th, 2020|Sustainability|

We lift our hands in praise to the Lord for His faithfulness and provision. The Sabbath Egg Poultry project began over a year ago with a vision. It was a three-part vision to A) meet a malnutrition need in the community, B) provide sustainable income for the TLAfrica Rwanda office and C) become a [...]


By |2020-02-14T00:29:56-06:00February 12th, 2020|Women Empowerment|

Rose Uwineza is one of the beneficiaries of the Women Empowerment Program (WEP) of TLAfrica. She lives in Goma, Keshero, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with her husband, Jacques Ahoba Ndeze, and their eleven children. She is a member of a local Baptist Church, Sayuni, and she has seen God providing for her family [...]

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